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Financial Aid Policies

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Financial aid regulations require that you make satisfactory academic progress toward completing a degree or certificate. For example, you must maintain a minimum grade point average and you must pass at least two-thirds of your courses each semester. This policy sheet describes the guidelines in detail. It also provides you with information on how to appeal the policy.

Before we provide you with awards each year, we will review your progress. You must meet all of the guidelines below in order to receive financial aid. This applies even if you did not receive financial aid in the past. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Minimum Grade Point Average

  1. If you are enrolling in your first semester at the College, you will not yet have a grade point average. You will be considered to be meeting the academic progress guidelines.
  2. If the College places you on Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal you will not be making satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes. Probation is based on your cumulative grade point average. Complete definitions are available in the College Catalog. Below are the general guidelines for Academic Standing:
Hours toward GPA*Good Standing CGPAAcademic ReviewProbation CGPA
9–15 credits 2.0 1.50–1.99 Below 1.50
16–24 credits 2.0 1.75–1.99 Below 1.75
25+ credits 2.0 N/A Below 2.00

Maximum Time to Earn a Degree or Certificate

  1. You must receive passing grades in at least two-thirds (67%) of your "attempted credits" while at CCCC.
    • Attempted credits: All courses that appear on your registration record at the end of the College’s "drop period." The drop period usually ends with the first week of classes.
    • The following grades are treated as attempted credits, but are not considered passing: F (failing), ABS (absent), W (withdrawn), R (repeat), I (incomplete), AU (audit).
    • Example 1: You have just finished your first year. In the fall, you attempted 12 credits and earned passing grades in 6. In the spring, you attempted 12 and completed 12. Overall you have attempted 24 credits and earned 18 (or 75%). You are making satisfactory academic progress.
    • Example 2: In the past 4 semesters and summer sessions, you have attempted 48 credits. You have withdrawn from or audited several courses. You earned passing grades in 24 credits (or 50%). You are not making satisfactory academic progress.
  2. You may take one full Withdrawal from the College. For Medical Withdrawals, you must complete the process with the Dean of Enrollment Management and Advising Services.
  3. You must earn your degree or certificate within a reasonable amount of time. Federal regulations allow you up to 150% of the required time in order to earn your degree. Since CCCC students often fluctuate between full-time and part-time status, we will measure your time to earn a degree in "attempted credits" rather than in semesters or years.
    • Attempted credits: All courses that appear on your registration record. This includes transfer credits, non-graduation credits, repeated classes, audits, and courses that did not receive passing grades (see Example 1 above).
    • If you have changed your program of study, we still consider all of the courses you have taken in the past as attempted credits.
    • Example 1: If your program of study is an Associate in Arts, you must complete your degree within 90 attempted credits.
    • Example 2: If your program of study is an Associate of Science, we will calculate the 150% point for your program. For example, the Nursing program requires 66 credits. 66 x 150% is 99. You would be required to earn a Nursing degree within 99 attempted credits.
    • Example 3: If your program of study is a certificate, we will calculate the 150% point for your program. For example, the Paralegal certificate requires 24 credits. 24 x 150% is 36. You would be required to earn the Paralegal certificate within 36 attempted credits.

Multiple Degrees or Certificates from Cape Cod Community College

The intention of financial aid is that you will earn one certificate or degree from an institution, and then transfer. However, since we offer a variety of certificates and degrees, the following policy will apply if you plan to earn more than one credential at CCCC.

  1. Your financial aid eligibility will be limited to a maximum of two credentials at Cape Cod Community College. A credential is a degree or a certificate.
  2. If you have previously earned an Associates degree from CCCC, you must meet the following conditions to receive financial aid for another credential:
    • You must apply for acceptance into the degree or certificate program (this is "matriculation").
    • After a full, 15-week semester without financial aid, you can then apply to receive assistance for future terms. You are not required to be in school during the 15-week semester, but you may take classes without financial aid if you wish.
    • The Financial Aid Office will request a degree audit on your program of study. You will receive financial assistance only for courses required to earn the second credential.

Reinstatement of Financial Aid

  1. You have the right to appeal any denial of aid. You must write and sign the appeal and submit it to the Financial Aid Office. We do not accept appeals by telephone or appointment. You are responsible for full payment of tuition and fees while awaiting a response on your appeal. The Financial Aid Director will review your appeal. Appeals are usually approved for the following reasons:
    • Prolonged illness of the student, or of an individual directly under the student’s care.
    • Death of a close family member.
    • Previously undiagnosed learning disabilities.
    • Recall to active military duty.
    • Extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control.
  2. If the Director denies your appeal, you may request a second review by the Financial Aid and Scholarship committee. The committee begins meeting in September for the Fall semester and in February for the Spring semester. You must submit this request in writing along with an additional explanation and/or documentation to support your request.
  3. If you have been away from school for at least one year and have below a 2.0 cumulative grade point average, you may want to apply for the "Fresh Start Option." If the Admissions Office accepts you for Fresh Start, you will be meeting the satisfactory academic progress guidelines. Financial Aid must count all attempted credits prior to Fresh Start toward the 150% time limit. For more information on Fresh Start contact Advising Services.
  4. You may continue your studies at CCCC without financial aid. If you regain satisfactory status, you may once again apply for financial assistance.

Withdrawal Policy

See: Federal Policy for Withdrawals and Returns of Federal Title IV Funds

Contact the Financial Aid Office

Location: Nickerson Administration Building, Ground Floor

Hours: Zoom drop-ins with Financial Aid

Monday–Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Meeting ID: 983 1467 4608
Password: FinAid

Other times are available by appointment. Please contact us if you need an early-evening time.

Phone: 774.330.4393

Fax: 508.375.4026
